
Our Mission

LJE is a Nigerian movement with a progressive internationalist outlook, committed to engaging with global progressive movements. We believe our most significant contribution lies in the national and international struggle against global imperialism, leadership deficits, justice system reforms, and economic advancement

Our Vision

The LJE will, with determination and consistency associate with the protest movement in Nigeria and will also join in struggles that defy the unjust laws, leadership deficits and economic freedom.


The LJE Background

The Leadership Hub, Justice and Economic Advancement (LJE) is a radical, leadership, Justice and Economic emancipation movement, formed in the year 2023 with the aim of bringing together revolutionaries, activists, community-based organizations as well as lobby groups under the umbrella of the organization pursuing the struggle of economic emancipation.

The LJE is an anti-imperialist and leftist movement with an internationalist outlook anchored by popular grassroots’ formations and struggles.

The organization has thus drawn inspiration from the broad Marxist-Leninist tradition school of thought in their analysis of the state, leadership gap, Justice system, economic advancement, imperialism, culture and class contradictions in every society.